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A call To The WOLFENZON FAMILY IN Israel and the world




Calling all Wolfenzon Family descendents and related families of the GARA descedants )_LANDAW  in Israel and around the world
We would like to announce of a family gathering which will take place in Jerusalem on
August 3rd 2010.

 This event derives from the grand opening of the fully  reconstructed famous                                      

       The Hurva Synagogue

The previous construction of the synagogue took place 160 years ago from a process driven by
The family father Zeev wolfenzon , one of the Vilna Gaon followers who immigrated to Israel on
the early years on the 19th century.
The wolfenzon family history and actions of its members are entwined with the history of the land of Israel and the construction of state.
Join us for an enchanting evening, hear (and share) the fascinating stories starting from the immigration union of “Hazon Zion “ in Sheklov who organized the first arrivals of the Vilna Gaon Supporters and descendents.
The opening of the first Jewish pharmacy in Is

The foundation of  Bikur Holim Hospital in Jerusalem

The operation of the famous Montifiorie’s windmill in Jerusalem

The creation and leadership of mysterious vigilante  movement of the "Jewish
 Gevardia" which had protected the Jerusalen Jews at the 19th century .  
important contributions to the printing world of Israel


 The first School for the blind  children in Jerusalem               

  And even the exploring of the  Burma road  during the independence war .


A picture by Mordechay Alon DAVAR LEYELADIM 1967
    The main event will be an afternoon get ogether in
   Jerusalem including

 lectures about famuly history by 

 Dr Arie Morgeshtern

Dr. Emanuel Segal

Eli Eshed

 and others

There will be also two daily tours following the family footsteps ( one from Jaffa to Jerusalem and one from Jerusalem to Tzfat )
if you have more  information and stories that you would like to share  we would like to know  ,
Please contact Eli Eshed at :

registration please contact Noam Eshed

 CTO tours at :




In order to cover expenses we are charging 100 shekels per person for the evening lectures
The tour cost will be advise later according to the number of participants
Family members who are interested can register and get hotel accommodation in Jerusalem at special reduced prices

see for forther information in Hebrew


מאת אלי אשד

בלש תרבות וחוקר של תנ"ך, תרבות וספרות פופולארית

כתיבת תגובה

האימייל לא יוצג באתר. שדות החובה מסומנים *

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